My art will pop UP around the world, from street art, events or exhibitions. Art belongs to everyone. I will create regularly new art projects around the world with the recognisable BitPopArt style. Follow my eARTh journey to stay up to date.
POPupART Sneek 2024
A walk and search tour to find the colorful Art Pops in the city Sneek where I am born.
Read more about Pop Art Friesland here
Sharing colorful happiness FREE POPupART frames around the world.
I started to give away the POPupART frames around the world at 16-10-2023
The PopArt frames cal already be found in The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Spain, South Korea, Japan, USA, Mexico, El Salvador, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
When I reach the 100 frames that are given away this project will be finished. There will no more than 100 art frames. This makes the pop art frames scares and unique.
My goal with this POPupART project is sharing a colorful happiness message.
Support this project
PopArt Fryslân 2023
In 2023 I made 11 Art works about the 11 Cities of Fryslân and the exhibition called Heitelân. Read all about it here.