Title ‘Halving 2024′ (19-04-2024)
After making my first half year daily drawing art work on Nostr for Nostrasia in Tokyo, Japan exhibition (I worked on this artwork for 200 days I got the idea to make again a half year daily art work but now for the Bitcoin 2024 Halving.
The idea was Tribalism art. I am fascinated about tribals. From ancient tribal culture to micro tribes like being part of a sport club, political party, culture, we are all part of some kind of group/ tribe. For Bitcoin & Nostr this is not different. On the end all people life in their own bubble and the challenge is always to see and experience it outside your own bubble. The Nostr tribe motivated me to work daily on this art work.
It started Start 15-10-2023 ⚡️0 Sats
I finished 19-04-2024 (Day 188) -⚡️1.393,506 with a total Zap earnings. This combined with all the other projects I did In this half year on Nostr when my value 4 value projects were growing. Doing a daily art work project is of course part of getting more know on Nostr.
The idea to add Npub address came the last month. 70 Nostr users rewarded me with 2100 Sats and they got a place in the art work.
The art work sold for 225,128 sats to owner Jurjen de Vries. There is only one official signed art work.
10% of the total earnings returned to the Npub holders. (321 Sats per Npub) This also the first Npub art work.
Title ‘Connected’ (01-04-2024)
We are all connected. Love, have fun and take care of each other.
Title ‘Chaos’ (01-03-2024)
Moments of chaos is part of humanity. Every person will experience hard times. Be kind to each other.
Title ‘BitPops’ (22-02-2024)
This Bitcoin pops art work did I make with the idea that everyone has his opinion about Bitcoin.
Title ‘Re₿el’ (01-11-2023)
I created this artwork for Nostr Asia.
Nostr is a decentralized network protocol for a distributed social networking system. The name is an acronym for “Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relay”. Posts are resistant to censorship and are cryptographically validated.
Inspired by Japan and all the people around the world. Where Bitcoin can bring a better future for all of us.
Every day (for 200 days, more than a half year) I worked on this artwork.
Total Zap* earning ⚡️200.000 Sats. (From 31-03-2023 till 13-10-2023)
*Zaps are typically small or tiny amounts of Bitcoin, measured in satoshis, that are sent peer-to-peer.
Title ‘Life’ (06-10-2023)
In the artwork ‘Life,’ I depict the process of life with the ultimate goal of finding oneself. Regardless of your orientation, we are all on a journey to learn more about ourselves. The ultimate aim is to be able to be yourself (Be Yourself), love life (Love Life), have fun (Have fun), and be grateful for all the beautiful and good moments in your life (grateful). Live your own most beautiful life and follow the path you’ve been given.
Unfortunately, some people fall into the trap of prioritizing money as the most important thing. This is depicted at the bottom of the artwork. No matter how much money you have, you still cannot stop time.
At the top, you see a child who often lives in the present and handles setbacks more easily, depicted playing in the rain. As we grow older, it can happen that we lose ourselves, close off, or rush past ourselves by not following our hearts but rather conforming to what we think society expects of us.
Sadly, it sometimes goes so far that people no longer see any purpose in life. I want to remind people that there are always those who love you. I depict this at the top of the artwork next to the rainbow.
When you realize that you are mortal, you take everything less seriously and learn to enjoy the little things. Everyone’s life path is different, as is their perspective on the end of life. Is it ‘Game Over’ or ‘Next Level’?
In any case, it’s beautiful that you are looking at this artwork, and I’ve allowed you to pause in the present moment. You are beautiful just as you are, and I wish you a colorful and beautiful life!
Title ‘The Big Awakening 2020′ (23-04-2023)
Title ‘Doomsuckers’ Inspired by the great Italian artist Rocco Cardinale (31-03-2023)
Title ‘Sawasdee Thailand’ (10-02-2023)
Title ‘B stands for Bitcoin’ (02-01-2023)
Title ‘It starts with the Heart’ (17-01-2023)