eARThist Vlog 03

eARThist Vlog 03

From Bangkok to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. For the past three years, I’ve traveled from Bangkok to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, with a stop in Dubai a 24-hour…
eARThist vlog 2

eARThist vlog 2

Bangkok art city.  Bangkok is a highly creative city, which is one of the reasons I love living here. I’d love to hold a second exhibition something special and even…
eARThist Vlog 01

eARThist Vlog 01

eARThist vlog name represents the fusion of Earth and Art and me as traveling artist. I'm kicking off my vlogging journey with my first vlog, Bangkok Lightning Tour. My goal…
Art exhibition in Chiang Mai

Art exhibition in Chiang Mai

I attended Sats ‘n’ Facts to share my art, joining other Nostr artists in exhibiting our work at the event’s very first venue. It was a great opportunity to connect…
ThaiPOP the Thai Pop Art brand

ThaiPOP the Thai Pop Art brand

ThaiPOP and BangPOP (Bangkok Pop Art) are my Pop Art brands dedicated to capturing the essence of Thailand. While BangPOP is my primary focus, especially as I prepare for my…
From the Heart

From the Heart

I am thrilled to announce a brand-new BitPopArt merch line in collaboration with Store of Value: From the Heart. This collection celebrates the belief that everything begins with love from…
From TOON to POP

From TOON to POP

In 2020, I introduced the BitPopArt brand after 25 years of creating under the name WebCartoons Studio, which focused primarily on cartoon drawings. By 2025, I feel my cartoon and…
POPping up around the World

POPping up around the World

Share the Bitcoin & Nostr message with the BitPOP characters The BitPOPs can be used in different Bitcoin & Nostr events world wide. I believe my art is for everyone…
BANGPOP Bangkok Pop Art

BANGPOP Bangkok Pop Art

December 2024 marks the beginning of the BangPOP brand and its artworks. For many years, I’ve spent several months each year living in Bangkok, a city I’ve come to know…